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Safari in Tanzania
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DSCN1864 Gretchen & Dave L'Hommedieu.  Our trip leaders. DSCN1865 Getchen and Nan at the gate of our first park. DSCN1875 These guys were also waiting by the gate. DSCN1878 This handsome guy posed for me. DSCN1907 Adele said the flamingos DSCN1931 The bar/dining room at the first lodge. DSCN1933 Adele relaxing after a hard day watching animals. DSCN1936 Our tent house.  It was very nice inside. DSCN1956 Gretchen ready to take a picture. DSCN1973 Our first elephant. DSCN1979 Our first elephant herd.  They came walking past while we were at breakfast. DSCN1986 An impala posing for us.  The guides dubbed him a DSCN1990 Two dik-diks fighting.  These guys are about 12 inches tall, but they have lion hearts when fighting for their territory. DSCN2009 Our first market.  Adele is dickering for the best deals. DSCN2014 A monkey watching us watching him. DSCN2021 A family of baboons. DSCN2025 An elephant browsing in Manyara National Park. DSCN2042 A baboon mother with her baby. DSCN2046 Bill's favorite!  A blue-balled monkey.  Can you tell how he got his name? DSCN2049 Giraffes were always checking us out. DSCN2056 One of the quaint and rustic lodges. DSCN2067 The whole group at an overlook above Ngoro Ngoro crater. DSCN2069 The view from a lunch site overlooking a Masai village. DSCN2078 Roughing it. DSCN2082 This Masai boy walked up from his village to see us.  He had never used binoculars before and was really blown away. DSCN2115 Lions have the right of way. DSCN2129 A mother cheetah on the prowl. DSCN2134 A mother cheetah with one of her cubs. DSCN2143 Ostiches running away from us.  That's the only way we ever seemed to see them. DSCN2146 Our whole group with cars and drivers. DSCN2148 Allan Mnyenye and Gabriel our wonderful guides and drivers. DSCN2152 Nan looking for some animals. DSCN2166 A pair of lions.  They just finished mating. DSCN2167 A big guy posing for us. DSCN2174 A few trees in the immensity of the Serengeti. DSCN2178 A crocodile - about 20 feet long. DSCN2181 Impalas doing their ballet. DSCN2184 A herd of impalas.  There is one male and all the rest are females.  The male is the one that looks very tired. DSCN2185 Lions relaxing after lunch. DSCN2197 Just a small part of the massive herds of zebras and wildebeests. DSCN2206 A giraffe having a bad day. DSCN2208 More of the incredible herds. DSCN2254 We were always close to some zebras. DSCN2214 Some elephants wandering through the Serengeti.  These guys walk 20-30 miles every day. DSCN2224 Adele on a lunch break. DSCN2237 Adele in her element - dickering for some handmade jewelry. DSCN2238 DSCN2272 Alan with his smile, watching a herd of hippos. DSCN2275 I finally got a picture of the warthog!